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Prizes for winning tournaments

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Posts: 289
18:59 Tue 13 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Atm there's no prize for winning tournys which makes it a bit boring and unsatifying...
So i suggest some ranking points will be awarded to the winner and the runner up...
i.e you could come up with some equation which will give a certain rise in their ranking...
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19:05 Tue 13 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Been mentioned so many time but yeah its getting increasingly boring!

So some sort of prize would be great!
Posts: 8,823
19:07 Tue 13 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
How about a monthly tourny to crown a champ of that month ?

or something along those lines.
Posts: 289
19:11 Tue 13 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
or even better a players league (monthly)

Posts: 2,212
19:14 Tue 13 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
This has been discussed a few times before... (being an example)

I believe the only way in which it could work, would be to have the whole tournament ranked... Or maybe just the final.

It takes a good player to get to the final of a tournament, therefore they would be somewhere close in the ranks, and would get an OK amount of points for winning.

As for having the whole tournament ranked, this would also be quite a reward for the winner, seeing as he/she has played a fair few games, and would be averaging a win of around 30 points depending on the draws made obviously.

Either way, there could be rank to be won, in simple ways, which would also agree with edge modification.

Also... I think if these were to happen, there would need to be separate tournaments, similar to 'marathon' or 'speed'. Something like allocated time spots for 'Arcade Snooker Ranked Tournaments'. (therefore giving users the choice to play for rank or not).

y_cymro said:
come up with some equation which will give a certain rise in their ranking

Edge modification can only work if it knows the opponent you are up against, it has been calculated in such a way that users should not be able to reach the most extreme ends of the ranking spectrum, without near impossible difficulty.

If you were to simply 'win' a certain amount of points by winning the tournament, this could create a flaw in the modification system, which is why the above possibilities would be a more viable option IMO.

Edited at 00:23 Wed 14/05/08 (BST)
Posts: 289
19:23 Tue 13 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I see..but I'm sure you could offer a title as a prize for example...currently the Arcade Snooker Champion which will work best with monthly leagues.
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Prizes for winning tournaments

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