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Idea of muting people?

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Posts: 8,033
00:58 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh I know, I was just saying that in case people thought you were saying that system should be in for everything. Personally I would say for swearing or spamming then a 24 hour mute would be more fitting than a boot.
Posts: 2,499
01:06 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
This has been considered for some time, but there is a problem.

The booting system works fine as it is. It is a suitable punishment for breaking the rules, and, believe it or not, many people do respect the rules more when they have been blocked for some time from playing.

Muting was considered primarily at the request of clan organisers/captains, as a way of letting offensive players continue so as not to disrupt the flow of events for others.

But, of you haven't anticipated, therin lies the problem. How do you communicate with them to organise the games
Posts: 1,920
01:10 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
See I think if you're going to mute someone for 24 hours, you might as well just boot them for that long instead.

I really think that muting should be a small warning just to remind members that if you break the rules, action will be taken. I don't think it would be a good idea to use it as a substitute for booting.
Posts: 8,033
02:00 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The clan thing doesn't really matter to me. There are what, 7 clans, with 15 members each (about) so just over 100 players. At the time of posting there are 23,071 members. Less than 0.5% of members are involved in clans, and from what I see most people who are disruptive aren't those in clans.

On other games with muting, repeat verbal/written offenses can result in a permanent mute. This could differentiate between those regularly found swearing, say, and those repeatedly found cheating or being racist. To me, there is a difference between these offenses. One just annoys people, the others can either affect peoples gameplay or hurt people emotionally. And back to the clan thing, I'm sure that people who get in trouble get banned from the clan system so it wouldn't matter.
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03:17 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I do not see anything wrong with the current discipline rulings at the moment. Someone says something wrong, they get warned for it. Says it again, and they get booted. No need for unnecessary work for Nick to implement something that would get us to the same position as if we do not have the option to mute.

As for permanent muting goes, that is what the "Banned User" feature is for. Why go for permanent muting, when the stuff that they did is deserving of a ban?

This feature will be used very rarely, maybe none at all. I do not feel as though this is a high priority feature to be implemented. There are more pressing matters to be done before this would be.
Posts: 8,033
03:52 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Because as I explained above, I don't think that repeated racism is equivalent to swearing a lot. Take something like spamming, that is against rules but doesnt do anyone any harm, so why treat that the same way as someone who say cheats and therefore affects the game for someone else.

someone who cheats deserves not to be allowed to play, but someone who spams should be able to play, but muting would mean they couldnt keep spamming.
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05:35 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Adam, that is what the rules are there for. You put rules up to make the gameplay run smoother. If someone breaks the rule, whether it is by spamming, or by cheating, or by being verbally racist, they will get the same treatment. Otherwise, why put that rule up in the first place? For me, muting does not help the cause. It would just probably spark them creating more accounts, spamming much much more than they will do.

I personally do not like the idea of muting, if we have the booting process in order.
Posts: 9,145
05:42 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
This has been considered for some time, but there is a problem.

The booting system works fine as it is. It is a suitable punishment for breaking the rules, and, believe it or not, many people do respect the rules more when they have been blocked for some time from playing.

Muting was considered primarily at the request of clan organisers/captains, as a way of letting offensive players continue so as not to disrupt the flow of events for others.

But, of you haven't anticipated, therin lies the problem. How do you communicate with them to organise the games

yes that is true many people respect the rules once seen them brought into action!

really its just the same way as in ignoring user!

but ashame we can't mute some staff
Posts: 8,033
05:47 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Look at any countries legal system though, more serious crimes get more severe punishments. People who just annoy neighbours end up with an ASBO in the UK, whereas people who shoot people end up in prison. So why on here should all rule breakers get the same treatment?

The aim of punishment is not just to stop repeat offenses, but to discourage the first offense from happening. Personally I would say a 12 hour muting would be more of a deterrent to people swearing than a boot, while letting them continue playing so being less severe in that regard.
Posts: 6,380
14:48 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
But if someone was to be spamming the chat room and a member of staff said - "No spamming please"

If this user then decided not to listen to that member ofstaff and spam again...

Is that a muting offence? As its only a small crime spamming, however that user has directly abused the authority of the staff.

I cant see a reason for muting a player instead of booting them, thats my difficulty.

'Self-muting' would be ideal, I know i'd use it
Posts: 1,920
14:52 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cue_power said:
But if someone was to be spamming the chat room and a member of staff said - "No spamming please"

If this user then decided not to listen to that member ofstaff and spam again...

Is that a muting offence? As its only a small crime spamming, however that user has directly abused the authority of the staff.

I cant see a reason for muting a player instead of booting them, thats my difficulty.

'Self-muting' would be ideal, I know i'd use it

Yes I feel that would be a muting offence.
It is a small crime, so booting would be a little harsh, whereas muting them for 10 minutes would be a reasonable punishment.
Posts: 8,033
14:57 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Derry you were my main argument for the permanent mute . Could stop that horrible off key singing... .

The point is that the person has still broken a rule, so the system doesn't work as a deterrent. I would have muting in for a first offense, so someone spams in members bar, hour/30 mins/10 mins mute straight away. They havnt been booted off the site for what is a harmless rule break for all concerned though.

That is how I could see it being used.
Posts: 1,920
16:08 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
adam_147 said:
Derry you were my main argument for the permanent mute . Could stop that horrible off key singing... .

The point is that the person has still broken a rule, so the system doesn't work as a deterrent. I would have muting in for a first offense, so someone spams in members bar, hour/30 mins/10 mins mute straight away. They havnt been booted off the site for what is a harmless rule break for all concerned though.

That is how I could see it being used.

Posts: 54,204
17:21 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
aww and i wanted to use it to mute cuey, he talks too much

but yeah if its only the staff who use it it won't get abused.
Posts: 6,380
19:45 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Harsh lads, harsh!

But probably true

Well, I guess thats a good place for it to be used. If someone is spamming then no warning dished out just an hour muted sentence. If within the next 24 hours the same user has to be muted again then 24 hour mute ban.

If a warning is given out before a mute then I think this is a pointless addition.

Also the negative is if somebody is unaware of the spamming rule or any other rule then it might be a little harsh but im sure they would soon get the idea of it and never do it again.
Posts: 15,183
19:53 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cue_power said:

Also the negative is if somebody is unaware of the spamming rule or any other rule then it might be a little harsh but im sure they would soon get the idea of it and never do it again.

Naturally, you will have all read the following, so you should know the rules

Perhaps a more simple solution to the original suggestion would be for people to think before putting their brain into gear. A moment's reflection, before saying anything, is usually sufficient.
Posts: 8,033
20:37 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sadly Im not sure you can put thinking before speaking into the official rules . Would love to be able to though haha.

I agree with Derry though (did I really just say that???). A short muting punishment with no warning would definitely cut down on the swearing and things in the chat rooms.
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04:55 Wed 17 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
sup_foo said:
if someone's being abusive and needs to be booted...why not just completely mute them from forum and they can still play, just not be heard? Opinions?

Yeah good point, I like the ignore in-game idea.
I'm here to play the game because it's enjoyable and people just ruin it sometimes... To be honest, if i want to chat to people at all, I'll go on facebook or, like now, go into the forum for discussions.. It should be an option!
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05:56 Wed 17 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
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Idea of muting people?

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