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Player Details

Member Details
Location: Offline since
21:22 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
Member Since: Fri 01/08/08 (BST)2008/08/01 12:57 GMTE dd/MM/yy (z)
Details: United Kingdom
Won This Week 42
Won This Month 42
All Time Points Won 846
Arcade Snooker Intermediate
Ranking 617.5 (3,434th)
Maximum 752.3
Wins 2,620 (33.0%)
Losses 5,325 (67.0%)
Abandoned 554 (7.0%)
Highest Break 51
Half Centuries 1
Tournament Wins 1
Micro Tourny Wins 12
Regular Snooker Novice
Ranking 571.6 (2,318th)
Maximum 711.9
Wins 193 (34.0%)
Losses 374 (66.0%)
Abandoned 31 (5.5%)
Highest Break 40
Micro Tourny Wins 3
Original Snooker Novice
Ranking 570.2 (2,286th)
Maximum 735.5
Wins 1,179 (34.0%)
Losses 2,288 (66.0%)
Abandoned 285 (8.2%)
Highest Break 40
Micro Tourny Wins 2
Killer Snooker Newbie
Ranked Games 28 / 50
Ranking 656.1 (1,075th)
Maximum 679.2
Wins 9 (29.0%)
Losses 22 (71.0%)
Turn Success 148 of 222 (66.7%)
Safeties 37 of 139 (26.6%)
Overall 93.3%
Carom Newbie
Ranked Games 6 / 30
Ranking 654.4 (1,201st)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 0 (0.0%)
Losses 6 (100.0%)
Turn Success 4 of 62 (6.5%)
Power Snooker Intermediate
Ranking 641.2 (1,654th)
Maximum 677.1
Wins 26 (29.9%)
Losses 61 (70.1%)
Abandoned 13 (14.9%)
Highest Break 70
Half Centuries 7
Micro Tourny Wins 5
Overall Intermediate
Ranking 618.5
Wins 4,018 (33.3%)
Losses 8,054 (66.7%)
Abandoned 883 (7.3%)
Tournament Wins 1
Micro Tourny Wins 22