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Resetting stats

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Deleted User
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15:45 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Instead of reseting ALL of our stats...can't we just be able to reset certain stats?!?!

Such as forum posts or stats from one game rather than both?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:47 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i don't really see the point in resetting stats at all personally, you may as well get another account.
Posts: 408
17:33 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
and y would you want to reset form posts thats hardly a worhwhile stat!lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:10 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao... yea i dont see the need to reset stats you should be kinda proud with the amoubnt of games youve played and stuff... as for the forum posts that is ridiculous never heard anything so silly why would you want to do a thing like that?lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:17 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol i no there is just no point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:36 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao, cymmerboy you do it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:14 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleting ur forum posts so that you can't be a forum junkie.

OI gimme a rest i was on the booze last night, and therefore talking utter crap.!
Posts: 2,498
15:17 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_crusade said:
i don't really see the point in resetting stats at all personally, you may as well get another account.

Well that would be multi-using and should therefore get all your accounts banned.

I was a major campaigner over on FP for the stats reset option, mainly to get rid of the delete/recreate culture.

Hopefully soon the delete option will be gone altogether to complete the move.

However, i am a firm believer that there should be permanent stats also, which cannot be reset, so you can check someone's profile and judge thier actual ability as opposed to that hinted at by thier current rank etc..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:18 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
" I was a major campaigner over on FP for the stats reset option, mainly to get rid of the delete/recreate culture. "

lol lol waste of a campaign m8, ask how many ppl have more than 1 account... i woud say over half the players.

As for the reset ur stats i feel it shouldnt be there at all. You shouldnt be ashamed with ur stats! By not having this feature true abilty will be shown. (like them newbies that seem to beat u with a break of 90 lmao) Obisouly not newbies lol so watch who u play
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:40 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
fair point spinner but a lot of members are culprits of multi-using then, i agree that stats should stay the same. Too many people have 2 accounts or reset their stats wen their ranking goes down too much.

Its possible that some of the top 50 accounts are owned by the same user as it is easy to get to 900 if you win say 20 games in a row, so this needs to be sorted.

Edited at 16:40 Tue 9/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 2,498
11:42 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, over on pool Nick has stated the heavier penalties (IP banning) etc, and slowly but surely the multi-using culture is becoming a thing of ridicule.

Mods have recently been stating that multi-users are very much the minority now, and getting rid of the delete function will only help that.

After all, as said on the relevant thread elsewhere, why delete?

If you're leaving the site, it doesn;t matter as you wont be logging in, and the only other reason, to reset stats, is now irrelevant.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:46 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I partly agree with spinner.

But i don't agree with a delete or reset option (the delete option could be developed by introducing certain rules for this action).

Firstly, i don't like the idea of users tampering with their stats as they see fit. It ruins the whole point of actually viewing the user's potential skill and ability.

For example, a user could create his/her first account, play about 200 games until they have learned/improved, then simply re-set their score. As a result, you have an unusually skilled newbie who steals all your rank!

As for the deleting option, i vote to keep it. But on one condition. Only allow users to create one account. All other users relating to this user or any created thereafter should be banned unless the primary name has been deleted.

Again you have the problem of someone simply deleting then starting over, hence the unusually good newbie winning his/her first torn and taking unexpected players' rank!

Then how about only resetting the stats only a limited amount of times, however, leaving the newbie status away or change it to novice?

But as i have said before, why would anyone want more than one account? I'd welcome any answers to this (valid points of course )

Sorry if this post seems a little rushed. I have dinner waiting!
Posts: 2,498
12:27 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ta for that Farren. I'm realising there is a fundimental difference between snooker and pool regarding this.

There is a great subculture on the pool site to try and get 100-0 win records etc, or race to professional in the fewest game etc etc, hence the reset option being introduced to prevent endless delete/create of the same account.

This wont happen here though, for the most part, due to the time involved.

Reasons oft quoted for multiple accounts :

Abuse (should report abusers insted)
Practice (use practice table or friendlies)
Mods wanting anonymous play - this is the only valid reason i have ever heard, and i think it only fair that a mod/admin could have one other normal account s they can enjoy the game like the rest of us from time to time.

Restrictions oon bth options are certainly desireable.


Edited at 18:30 Tue 9/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 2,498
12:34 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  

I would say - after clicking delete, a user is informed that hier request has been recorded and provided the account is not used within the next3 months it will be gone forever.

The IP address of any user should prevent another account being created from the same, without special instruction (for my brother etc) to be verified by Mods/Admin.

Also - resetting of stats should only be availiable to those over 800 rank, thus removing the resetting option being used for purposes other than those intended.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:40 Tue 9 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
"But as i have said before, why would anyone want more than one account? I'd welcome any answers to this (valid points of course ) "

Well in my opinion many people make new accounts because:

-they have a main account that they dont wont to reset the stats off( cus a high break, many half centuries, or a tournament win mayb)

- they want to see how few matches they can play until 900+ rating achieved

- on newbie level beat and watch the reactions of high levels losing aswel as knocking in an 80+ break

-dunt want to loose matches on their main account

that help?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:46 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
still thats hardly a valid reason really...they are pretty pointless, malice reasons for doing it. why would you want to see how few matches you could play until you reach 900?? if they have a main account with lots of half centuries tourny wins etc then why not just continue with that one.beating higher ranked oponents with newbie characters is exactly what we hate most about the newbies you dont seem to realise! and as for not wanting to lose on their main account surely that is what friendlies and practice tables are for?
Posts: 2,498
07:05 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
leor555 said:
"But as i have said before, why would anyone want more than one account? I'd welcome any answers to this (valid points of course ) "

Well in my opinion many people make new accounts because:

-they have a main account that they dont wont to reset the stats off( cus a high break, many half centuries, or a tournament win mayb)

- on newbie level beat and watch the reactions of high levels losing aswel as knocking in an 80+ break

-dunt want to loose matches on their main account

that help?

These are all reasons to get rid of the facility!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:41 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you look inside the top 50, there are some players who have played about 80 games that have been sitting in there for ages - getting to a high rank then just never logging on.

I believe those are multi-users, as there are too many of those accounts that never play again on the site are good. Perhaps the account should be automatically deleted say if you don't log on for two months?

Having no reset option too will mean that it will be very unlikely to get beaten by virtuoso standard newbies anymore.

Edited at 13:46 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:35 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
yup i agree with u crusade which falls into the reason of making a new account to achieve a 900+ rating in few matches as possible just to look cool prob lol and yes spinner i also agree that the multiple account facility should be not available.

they mite not want to lose friendlies as it will show up in there % loss if they lose - to poo cue

Edited at 17:41 Wed 10/01/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:17 Wed 10 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
leor555 said:
"But as i have said before, why would anyone want more than one account? I'd welcome any answers to this (valid points of course ) "

Well in my opinion many people make new accounts because:

-they have a main account that they dont wont to reset the stats off( cus a high break, many half centuries, or a tournament win mayb)

- they want to see how few matches they can play until 900+ rating achieved

- on newbie level beat and watch the reactions of high levels losing aswel as knocking in an 80+ break

-dunt want to loose matches on their main account

that help?

These are a few good examples pointed out that show why it should be decided that more than one account should not be an option as spinner mentioned above.

What i meant to say is describe reasons why someone should have another account, but reasons within the rules of the site. (not for purpose of cheating e.t.c.)

There is one point that spinner expained that makes sense. I believe that staff members could have possibly two accounts either for moderating the chat room while playing a game on mod account (Which i tend to do in some cases), or simply to log on at member status for a little peace.

This is the only valid pro that has been pointed out so far.

As for the cons, there is a large list (multi-using to offend, go against standard site and forum rules on behalf of the primary account, cheating) to name but a few.

In effect, it tips the scales quite a lot.
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Resetting stats

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