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Pages: 11112
Posts: 52,922
16:56 Fri 12 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:30 Fri 12 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to
Posts: 52,922
17:58 Fri 12 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to a
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05:16 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to a faeces
Posts: 6,380
05:11 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to a faeces. Derry
Posts: 8,033
05:14 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to a faeces. Derry smells
Posts: 6,380
05:15 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to a faeces. Derry smells devine,
Posts: 8,033
05:16 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Got it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:29 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Once there was a fish called Sarah. This morning the dog decided he wanted waffles for college. So Jack went nuts because the waffles smelled like pancakes. Under the surface of the water where he said I don't like salt but you taste fishy like a certain shrivelled fish who spoke in riddles and danced gracefully with a limp wristed like a neck full of cheese grated. After She Sang "Moving on Up" but a monkey called Adam slapped faeces off his gran's mole on to a piece of faeces. Then a bee called Mark vaporised into your face and made lots of people that look ugly, want to throw dry turkey at your face. My hands fell off onto the top of a nut sack which exploded onto my wet face. Seventy years of anorexia destroyed Sarah's face. She excreted badly and her goldfish was dead due to Sarah killing electric fires which caused mayhem with a man who contemplated against his Mother who said don't eat yellow snow as it causes diseases such as fishyfeet, which is invariably very dangerous because of it's tendency to cause bouts of sickness which can make a rubber ball only bounce ten feet from the kerb, But the onomatompoeia sounded this weird,Nobody could tell anything to rhubarb because when rhubarb tried floating on a gigantic lightning bolt that queefed green noodles on macdonalds, then after it shrivelled to a faeces. Derry smells devine,This
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