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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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Pages: 18384
Posts: 8,033
20:11 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  

adam 4-1 msl (cup)

adam 107 (arc), 127 (reg), 5 (carom)

I hit a 107 from the break in arcade, not much more I can say about that. He went for the smash break in regular and was unlucky going in off, I cleared them with a 127 from there. Orig was scrappy, I missed a fairly straight forward red, he scored a few and missed a fairly easy one himself, then a bit of dodgy luck for him and it ended up with me getting a 40 break and winning it. I hit a 5 from the break in carom. Power I had the break first, smashed them all over the table but only 1 hit a cushion, despite 4 going past the baulk line... I got ahead though, he came back into it with a decent break on his break. All I had to do was clear off my last break and I potted a red off it (which happens 1 in 100) and ended up snookered. He made a few and got ahead, lost position on the green, snookered me, I missed the snooker, he then left me on and all I needed was green-blue to win, potted the green then missed a brown from the pink spot to the middle bag to hand it to him.

Given I havn't really played lately I'm happy with the win, but missing from the pink spot to the top middle on the power table is just embarrassing. Fair play to him though, the balls were tough off his break and my last one and he scored well from it. Did feel slightly sorry for him getting one shot in the first 2 frames .

ggs mate! gl in your others! Stick to power! .
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20:16 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well in Matty cheers for subbing in mate

Cheers mate ill take the 6-0
Posts: 8,033
20:38 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Black Ballers 5 vs 28 Total Domination

zantetsukenz 0 vs 6 mattywellie
stewolves93 vs brettavit01
pattie96 1 vs 5 n_e_r_d
cutting_edge vs _nerdzz_
eraser147 0 vs 3 dvz (tbc)
abhi1991 vs sean_paul
__jack__ 0 vs 6 adam_147
lauren_ali 2 vs 4 mich
scotty2hotti 2 vs 4 i_am_blessed
Killer: 0 vs 0

Total Domination 18 vs 9 Dollars & Cents

virtuoso1978 3 vs 3 the_tornado
brettavit01 2 vs 4 foxy_147
mattywellie vs kilimanjaro
i_am_blessed 3 vs 0 onevisit (tbc)
_nerdzz_ vs whocares8x8
sean_paul 5 vs 1 obieeeee
mich 5 vs 1 skillz
mooney vs rank_stinger
dvz vs lethal_lure
Killer: 0 vs 0

Deadline Sunday 28th April
Posts: 8,033
20:40 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Format: Play 1 frame each of arc, reg, orig, carom, power

Group A:
Nocturnal Assassins 6 vs 13 Total Domination

msl 1 vs 4 adam_147
d_legend 1 vs 4 dvz
jakkebeast vs _nerdzz_
gmbailyes vs i_am_blessed
joeyy vs mattywellie
battlecat 3 vs 2 mich
murt 1 vs 3 virtuoso1978 TBC

Deadline Sunday 28th April
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20:58 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well in Matty cheers for subbing in mate

Cheers mate ill take the 6-0

After that performance why are u leaving us? we are losing cam because he has things to do, we need arcade players, and u are good at it. Don't go u traitor.
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20:59 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Also i will definetly be online tonight at around 9ish, so a couple of you come online to play killer please, would be grateful.
Posts: 8,033
21:00 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Matty is now staying till the end of the season .
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21:09 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well in Matty cheers for subbing in mate

Cheers mate ill take the 6-0

After that performance why are u leaving us? we are losing cam because he has things to do, we need arcade players, and u are good at it. Don't go u traitor.

Why are you leaving me on pool traitor
Deleted User
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21:14 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Because im joining my buddy, and i speak to more people in uprising then anyone else on pool, so i feel like i fit in more over there, i rarely speak to anyone in pros. Simple.
Deleted User
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21:17 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Because im joining my buddy, and i speak to more people in uprising then anyone else on pool, so i feel like i fit in more over there, i rarely speak to anyone in pros. Simple.

Mate I'm joking chill out :-p
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21:21 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Im only giving u my reason
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04:53 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,132
19:56 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The time for lineups is upon us!

We will be playing League fixture 5 as well as the remaining Cup group games in this set.

Total Domination v Nocturnal Assassins
Black Ballers v Anger Management
Dollars & Cents v Allstarz

Cup Round 2:
Group A: Anger Management vs Nocturnal Assassins
Group B: Allstarz vs Dollars & Cents

Cup Round 3:
Group A: Total Domination vs Anger Management
Group B: Black Ballers vs Allstarz

Please send the lineups to whocares8x8 by Sunday night so I can release fixtures. Reminder: A cup lineup is just a list of 7 players.

With 2 days to play in the current set, we still have 17 league and 7 cup games unplayed!!
Posts: 690
21:59 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
dvz - erasor147

6 - 0

breaks: me

73 - 84 - 111 - 50 - 84

ta m8 vul ggs :)
Posts: 8,033
21:59 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Very nice result Dave!
Posts: 690
22:00 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ta m8 :)
Posts: 1,394
22:01 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Because im joining my buddy, and i speak to more people in uprising then anyone else on pool, so i feel like i fit in more over there, i rarely speak to anyone in pros. Simple.

thats what i like to hear matty may be tempted to join us soon
Posts: 2,416
22:56 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  

gmbailyes vs i_am_blessed

is now

the_operator vs i_am_blessed
Deleted User
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00:02 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Because im joining my buddy, and i speak to more people in uprising then anyone else on pool, so i feel like i fit in more over there, i rarely speak to anyone in pros. Simple.

thats what i like to hear matty may be tempted to join us soon

Never :-)
Posts: 1,394
00:05 Sat 27 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Because im joining my buddy, and i speak to more people in uprising then anyone else on pool, so i feel like i fit in more over there, i rarely speak to anyone in pros. Simple.

thats what i like to hear matty may be tempted to join us soon

Never :-)

hahaha well we are going to be in same clan on snooker why not be in the same clan even in pool
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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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