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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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21:12 Sun 28 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
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23:24 Sun 28 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Black Ballers 11 vs 49 Total Domination

zantetsukenz 0 vs 6 mattywellie
ang_k 2 vs 4 brettavit01
pattie96 1 vs 5 n_e_r_d
cutting_edge 3 vs 3 mrmagic
eraser147 0 vs 6 dvz
garethclin 0 vs 6 mooney
__jack__ 0 vs 6 adam_147
lauren_ali 2 vs 4 mich
scotty2hotti 2 vs 4 i_am_blessed
Killer: 1 vs 5

Total Domination 31 vs 29 Dollars & Cents

virtuoso1978 3 vs 3 the_tornado
brettavit01 2 vs 4 foxy_147
mattywellie 4 vs 2 kilimanjaro
i_am_blessed 6 vs 0 onevisit
_nerdzz_ 0 vs 6 whocares8x8
sean_paul 5 vs 1 obieeeee
mich 5 vs 1 skillz
mooney 2 vs 4 rank_stinger
dvz 0 vs 6 lethal_lure
Killer: 4 vs 2

Deadline Sunday 28th April

Edited at 23:24 Sun 28/04/13 (BST)
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23:24 Sun 28 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Format: Play 1 frame each of arc, reg, orig, carom, power

Group A:
Nocturnal Assassins 9 vs 20 Total Domination

msl 1 vs 4 adam_147
d_legend 1 vs 4 dvz
jakkebeast vs _nerdzz_
the_operator 1 vs 4 i_am_blessed
joeyy 2 vs 3 mattywellie
battlecat 3 vs 2 mich
murt 1 vs 3 virtuoso1978 TBC

Fixture has been won guys but might aswell get the games played anyways.

Deadline Sunday 28th April
Posts: 8,033
01:00 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Paragraph time!

TD 4-2 D&C

(order mich, jimmy, owen, tyler, adam, seb, ed, dave)

1st: adam_147
2nd: obieeeee
3rd: foxy_147
4th: i_am_blessed
5th: ededed
6th: mich
7th: dvz
8th: whocares8x8

Was a very interesting game. I left Seb two makeable but not straight forward pots that he uncharacteristically missed, then killed him leaving him no shot really. Ed played a load of really nice safeties and Dave survived 4 or 5 times but then Ed gave him one too many tough shots and killed him. Mich missed a few easyish ones before ed played a nice safety to kill him as well. I left Ed some horrible touching balls which meant he followed mich out. Tyler then survived the combined jimmy/owen combo with a lot of doubles and plants but eventually they managed to work together to kill him to leave a 2 on 1. I thought I had levelled it to 1 on 1 laying a tap safety on jimmy, but he smashed them and nothing went, until the white hit the black near the middle bag and snicked the black in to put him up to 2 again. I managed to get a couple of safeties on him though to kill him and leave a 1 on 1 with owen and myself. At 2 lives each Owen played a great safety to knock me down to 1, and then had an easy shot to finish the game. Unfortunately for him he lagged, putting him down to 1 life AND leaving me the simple safety and I made it to kill him and take the match. Very good game everyone.
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01:24 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Mooney 6-0 Garethclin

66, 66, 72

Good games, unlukcy.

Knowing Lyle could've played a few minutes later happy to get 6.
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01:54 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Mooney 6-0 Garethclin

66, 66, 72

Good games, unlukcy.

Knowing Lyle could've played a few minutes later happy to get 6.

Excellent mate well played.
Posts: 22,132
02:11 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
New fixtures are out!

Don't have time to post them all here right now, will do that tomorrow night (if you want to wait for the copy/pasting).

Links are here:
^Click on "Fix5" at the bottom

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02:24 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i_am_blessed (6) v (0) onevisit
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02:33 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Total Domination 0 vs 0 Anger Management

adam_147 vs thegame26
_nerdzz_ vs r1p0m4n
mich vs p_e_a_n_u_t
sean_paul vs pressureonu
i_am_blessed vs linfield1886
damee vs torres9
dvz vs new_sean

Deadline is the 12th May Gl lads!
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02:40 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nocturnal Assasins vs Total Domination

msl vs _wales_lad_
jaysoros vs brettavit01
jakkebeast vs n_e_r_d
murt vs i_am_blessed
i_am_talent vs dvz
d_legend vs sean_paul
joeyy vs mich
the_operator vs mooney
battlecat vs mattywellie
Killer 0 vs 0

Deadline is 12th May Gl lads!
Posts: 2,377
02:46 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
nerdzz (4) vs (1) jakkebeast

arcade - me (66 me)
regular - him
original - me (59 me)
carom - me
power - me (185 me)

gg's bud.
Posts: 2,255
14:56 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mich 1-5 joeyy

Sorry all.

I played terrible and he hit 2 or 3 5's and a couple 4's.

Wd mate good luck.
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15:13 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mich 1-5 joeyy

Sorry all.

I played terrible and he hit 2 or 3 5's and a couple 4's.

Wd mate good luck.

Ul mate.
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15:58 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
10th Arcade tournament in a month
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16:03 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Poor, Should get on bomjazas level.
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16:23 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I got a life
Posts: 13,453
16:35 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Define the meaning of " I got a life"

Always wondered what makes you have a life and what doesnt

Not having a go or picking on you cam
Just I see ppl saying it a lot
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16:40 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
There is a little thing called a 'joke'
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16:43 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
But it wasnt a joke really Cam

what it means is, Bomjaza and many others spend most there time of day on here (me included once upon a time).. thats why he has so many tournys
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16:45 Mon 29 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Get a life jack
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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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