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Dedications.. Round 4!

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Pages: 17071
Posts: 9,145
20:44 Wed 6 Oct 21 (BST)  [Link]  
Dedi my 02:00am 18th carom white wash win against jester to the mod with the broken laptop and all jesters mates and all carom players


Thanks mark
Posts: 26
20:06 Thu 18 Nov 21 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedication to the lovely people still on here

All 5 of them

Having not been here for many months and having a stinking cold and fed up of binge watching Korean series on Netflix thought it might be worth a visit.

Ha how wrong I was.

First player calls me a "lucky boy" lol ..not sure why as wasn't really lucky and if I was why leave and not play another?
2nd player responds to gg with a "no it warnt.."....his spelling not mine.

Admittedly not the worst of abuse you often get ..but its just a fun game

The next few leave after I clear up after 1 or 2 games

No one wants to play anything but Arcade...try reg, original or power they are good games..a bit less luck involved generally unlike arcade

pointless rant I know but it passes a few minutes closer to the end of coughing fits and a streaming nose!

Edited at 20:24 Thu 18/11/21 (GMT)
Posts: 1
20:43 Fri 19 Nov 21 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedication to the lovely people still on here

All 5 of them

Having not been here for many months and having a stinking cold and fed up of binge watching Korean series on Netflix thought it might be worth a visit.

Ha how wrong I was.

First player calls me a "lucky boy" lol ..not sure why as wasn't really lucky and if I was why leave and not play another?
2nd player responds to gg with a "no it warnt.."....his spelling not mine.

Admittedly not the worst of abuse you often get ..but its just a fun game

The next few leave after I clear up after 1 or 2 games

No one wants to play anything but Arcade...try reg, original or power they are good games..a bit less luck involved generally unlike arcade

pointless rant I know but it passes a few minutes closer to the end of coughing fits and a streaming nose!

Edited at 20:24 Thu 18/11/21 (GMT)

Feel free to stop by again sometime, when you have a bit less time.
Posts: 937
21:01 Sat 20 Nov 21 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedication to the lovely people still on here

All 5 of them

Having not been here for many months and having a stinking cold and fed up of binge watching Korean series on Netflix thought it might be worth a visit.

Ha how wrong I was.

First player calls me a "lucky boy" lol ..not sure why as wasn't really lucky and if I was why leave and not play another?
2nd player responds to gg with a "no it warnt.."....his spelling not mine.

Admittedly not the worst of abuse you often get ..but its just a fun game

The next few leave after I clear up after 1 or 2 games

No one wants to play anything but Arcade...try reg, original or power they are good games..a bit less luck involved generally unlike arcade

pointless rant I know but it passes a few minutes closer to the end of coughing fits and a streaming nose!

Edited at 20:24 Thu 18/11/21 (GMT)

any time
Posts: 13,453
17:40 Sat 1 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
like to dedicate 3 halves in 3 arcade games to the the members that still play funky , happy new year to you all
Posts: 937
22:49 Mon 3 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers Trubba!

Dedi Regular Tourny win 2 - 0 with a 120 and a 114, which is unheard of for me lol, to all my killer fiends

Gotta add Original Mara, v tight match (3 - 2)
23:54 Mon 03/01/22
Original Snooker - jimi_clapton got a break of 122
23:37 Mon 03/01/22
Original Snooker - jimi_clapton got a break of 74
23:07 Mon 03/01/22
Original Snooker - jimi_clapton got a break of 123

A rare night of it!

Edited at 01:06 Tue 04/01/22 (GMT)
Posts: 26
23:22 Fri 28 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
like to dedicate 3 halves in 3 arcade games to the the members that still play funky , happy new year to you all

Same to you Happy New Year and hope you and yours are all well
Posts: 13,453
08:59 Sat 29 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
like to dedicate 3 halves in 3 arcade games to the the members that still play funky , happy new year to you all

Same to you Happy New Year and hope you and yours are all well

they are thanks , i hope all yours are doing well too
Posts: 937
23:54 Sat 29 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am in shock!
Run of 10 in Carom

Dedi to sarahh, linfield1886, drummer58, hannahxox, dgeneratio (eejit), vendetta, megaherz1, hot_pot (oppo) and all the other killer regs and the resta yaz too lol
Posts: 13,453
09:21 Sun 30 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am in shock!
Run of 10 in Carom

Dedi to sarahh, linfield1886, drummer58, hannahxox, dgeneratio (eejit), vendetta, megaherz1, hot_pot (oppo) and all the other killer regs and the resta yaz too lol

well done hippy
Posts: 5
21:13 Mon 31 Jan 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am in shock!
Run of 10 in Carom

Dedi to sarahh, linfield1886, drummer58, hannahxox, dgeneratio (eejit), vendetta, megaherz1, hot_pot (oppo) and all the other killer regs and the resta yaz too lol

well done hippy

well done man
Posts: 1,191
20:44 Thu 10 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi my first half after years to sarahh
Posts: 1,191
20:51 Thu 10 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
And also my first Forum post after years
Posts: 13,453
22:56 Mon 14 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedi my first half after years to sarahh

well done
Posts: 13,453
22:58 Mon 14 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
i dedicate my 2 carom runs of 5 tonight to everyone still playing funkysnooker
Posts: 1,191
12:08 Sun 20 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st orig Cent to all the good ppl around
Posts: 1,191
18:37 Fri 25 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dedicate Arcade Maximum to round38 who already left the game and to everybody who wants it.
Posts: 937
20:25 Fri 25 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
OMG dunno wtf is goin on....just nailed my first 147 in Original
Was the last game, at this time, that I played xrp. They had whooped me left, right and centre mostly out of a good few battles and then JAYZUS!

Anyway, dedi to all my killer oppos, big shout to linfield1886 for many enjoyable battles, saxon and count_raven for pm's, aflumpire omg hes a user lol, awwk canny mind any more but you all def know who yaz be

Such a smile, never thought I'd get it!!
Posts: 18
20:26 Fri 25 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
Congrats jimi_clapton
Posts: 1,191
20:31 Fri 25 Feb 22 (GMT)  [Link]  
What a Feeling, ey? Enjoy it jimi_clapton. More to come.
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Dedications.. Round 4!

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