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Matches, best of 5, best of 7 etc?

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Posts: 6,210
16:59 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was thinking it would be good if we could set up game rooms which keep the players within the game for more than one frame.

for example

i like to play against players and say (best of 11)

but then when i win a frame or two they just leave.

it would be good to set specific rules just like in tournaments which say you are requirted to play this many games possibly do you accept.

what do people think!
Posts: 54,204
17:05 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
been talked about before and i like this idea, if both accept there aren't really any excuses and they could be locked in the room. and if that isn't possible then maybe lose rank (games won and lost) to the maximum by the rules set.
Posts: 6,210
17:10 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

it would be nice to set up matches. proper ones.

waiting in the best of 13 game room.

Posts: 54,204
17:12 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
best of 35 with fuzzy haha would take all day
Posts: 2,499
17:17 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've always been keen on this idea. Now people are used to default losses (not to mention many connections being more relaible than dialup), it might be better understood.
Posts: 527
17:40 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
best of 3 and best of 5 would be good. I dont like playing the same player over and over,it can get boring.
Deleted User
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17:41 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
wow what a suprise
Posts: 6,210
17:56 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well you just dont enter thje longer matches.

i personally would love best of 20+ matches.
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19:50 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
best of 35 with fuzzy haha would take all day

especially in original (for me)

i agree with i_am_god !

marathon clashes, love it, like a world champ. final !
Posts: 54,204
19:52 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
how long would 1st to 18 take you in carom?
Deleted User
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20:38 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
its about an average of 4 - 5 minutes a frame.

If we say 5 mins .... then with scores bettween

18 - 0 = 90 mins


18-17 = 175 mins

so, somewhere in the middle = 130 mins

Better to say BEST OF 35, so we know the maximum time
Posts: 54,204
20:40 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
3 hours not bad lol.

would take me all day, maybe more
Posts: 437
23:26 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great idea, totally agree with this. However the limit I can't see being past best of 9 for a couple of big flaws.

1) It would make cheating so much easier, as someone could just leave on a best of 19 lets say after the first frame and the other person gains a ton of points.

2) Connection - would seem unfair if this went when you joined a game which involves a lot of frames.
Deleted User
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00:25 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
how about if some one was to leave prematurally they would lose like 5 rank per frame to early but the opponent only gains the points of the frame their opponent left there for it would be harder to cheat it
Posts: 6,210
19:48 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
makes sense i say.

limited matches but at least some sort of match option

personally i think the better players need this option because like myself its getting rather boring playing one frame and opponent dashes off then you have to search for another opponent to gain the rank back, its boring for those who want a match with no option to have one
Deleted User
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19:52 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Deleted User
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21:47 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm in two minds about this one - absolutely loving the idea in principle but not keen on the practicalities (especially for long matches) with regards to connections problems/abuse etc..
I don't believe that there is a perfect solution (a fixed loss/gain of ranked points is definitely not a goer as it is completely at odds with the ranking system - sorry phased), but this would be my suggestion as the simplest solution:

All these matches are on a 'Best of' basis.
If a player leaves prematurely then the match is terminated assuming 1 more game to be played (which the other player would win of course) whilst not exceeding the limits of the match.
i.e. the forfeit is always the current frame plus the next iff the next frame would normally be played.

For Example:

Player A leaves during Frame 2 (note: it would always be 'during' since frames would start automatically like in tournies).

If Player A had lost Frame 1, the respective results would be
0-2 to Player B in a 'Best of 3'
0-3 to Player B in a 'Best of 5'
0-3 to Player B in a 'Best of 5+'

If Player A had won Frame 1, the respective results would be
1-2 to Player B in all cases

Admittedly this gives Player A the benefit of the doubt that the forfeit is due to circumstances outside their control, but hey it is only a game after all and shouldn't be taken so seriously.
Posts: 6,210
04:21 Sat 25 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
just want to re raise this.

i personally finding it so boring / frustrating the whole,
one game and then opponent runs off because theyve nicked the one ranked frame.

especially in late night games when there are less opponents around like now.

gotta wait for ages for another game just because opponent i was playing won one frame and is too worried to play another.

there needs to be some sort of match option on the game
Posts: 483
03:52 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
phased said:
how about if some one was to leave prematurally they would lose like 5 rank per frame to early but the opponent only gains the points of the frame their opponent left there for it would be harder to cheat it

I think this is quiet a good idea apart from that 5 points
I would say they should also lose as much as they would have if they lost without leaving.
For example a 900 plays a 700 in orig in a best of 3.... it is 1-1 and the 900 is about to lose. So if he leaves he loses less points than if he had finished it
As ive mentioned this idea in the regarding carom thread before im totally loving this
Posts: 22,132
03:55 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not against this idea, but how do you deal with disconnect in say a race to 5. Player can't lose 20-40 points for internet failing
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Matches, best of 5, best of 7 etc?

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