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London Riots

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Deleted User
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22:51 Tue 9 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Whos side are you on?
Deleted User
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23:21 Tue 9 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
none :) pathetic behaviour tbh..
Deleted User
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23:31 Tue 9 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I am on a side, Like 99% of the country i am on the justice/goverment/police/normal bought up people side.
The other one % are NEETS(not in employment,education,training) can't remember what the S stands for?
It not just in london, also been all over the country.

The police should do what they did during the miners strike, use there battons,
Maybe get rubber bullets, water cannons, Sod human rights.

Or just get the EDL or BNP boys down there to sort em out
Deleted User
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23:56 Tue 9 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I think it is all quite sad to be honest. Not sure what the BNP/EDL would achieve, other than to cause more violence and get themselves killed. (On second thoughts... )

You can beat the whole world into behaving if you do it hard enough, Christ, send in the Army some are saying. Not quite sure what that would achieve but oh well.

This is my opinion...

I don't agree with innocent members of the public being caught up in this and I think were in a situation where the kids carrying out these riots don't even really know why they are doing it.

What I will say though is squeeze the bottom section of society to hard and this is what you will get.

Just think. These youngsters have got nothing. Sweet F all. No money, no jobs, no hope, and nothing to do, and nothing to lose.

What I am finding difficult to comprehend or understand is that for some reason, the government want to further marginalise and criminalise a portion of our youth by just condemning their actions, labelling it as shere criminality, rather than trying to establish the reasons.

I'll tell you what was shere criminality... the bankers who caused the banking crisis and robbed these children of any chance of finding work.

Though I must admit, the scenes of youths setting fire to buildings and throwing stones at the police certainly makes for better TV than city bankers gambling recklessly on the stock markets.

Hmmm I might be on to something...

Edited at 21:00 Tue 09/08/11 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:09 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The last 13 years, This country has opened gates its to anyone, Come in this country you will get a house, and weekly income off the goverment therefore a lazy culture has been generated and boredom levels in the poor estates has hit low dephs, why do you think people can sit on here all day? they don't need to work get £46 a week job seekers allowence i think.

I am sorry 2good but watching people burn down people homes and businesses is not good to watch, The people doing it even if they had jobs offered to them they would not take them.

The country is health and safety daft has been the day blair and co took over the country in 1997, School children can't even go outside when its snowing at there primary schools.
Police should be allowed to get there battons and attack,these yobs to the floor and protect there community that the good working people of this country pay there taxes for.

Put on sky news, would you really like to offer a job to them people?

They are hopeless goons.
Deleted User
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00:17 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree with max
Deleted User
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00:31 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_max said:

Or just get the EDL or BNP boys down there to sort em out

^ Yep. Lets just get a bunch of fascists and hatemongers to sort it out.
Posts: 9,719
00:34 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
They are only hopeless as we offer them nothing! Why are they doing it because they are bored!

Why? We close youth centres we don't give them anything and everybody as you both have just done rule them out of life

When I was 15/16+ I was always in trouble for fighting when I used to go Stoke always up for a fight after it was my enjoyment, but just like them I was unemployed and what else was i going to do look for a job when nobody cared?

Then the Jobseekers made me go onto a place called 'Groundwork' it's a job you get paid to work, and that gave me the insentive to want to do better, now I don't do what I did when I was younger but I can always look back and give advice on these situations as I have being there

If we offerd 90% of young lads help or somewhere to go as mates they would proberbly use it, ok some will only go to cause trouble but this is the result of a 'bored' generation, it's not like in 10 years time there are going be loads of jobs and cheap houses and something to aim at!

On the contradiction of what I just said, if I was incharge I would just shoot people who rioted people would eventually get scared and if they shot back get the army eventually we would win and this pathetic idiot stuff would all be to a end!

The only thing that annoys me is why do rioters hurt innocent people they never did anything wrong and I do hope the justice system comes into action and these people are locked away aged 12 or 20 it makes no difference!
Posts: 9,719
00:36 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Also that might be why they have not rioted in Stoke, as EDL/BNP is the only party that has a chance each election to beat Labour and proberbly would end up taking it into their own hands!

But yeah am all for that much more fun than watching the army shoot people
Deleted User
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00:40 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_max said:
The last 13 years, This country has opened gates its to anyone, Come in this country you will get a house, and weekly income off the goverment therefore a lazy culture has been generated and boredom levels in the poor estates has hit low dephs, why do you think people can sit on here all day? they don't need to work get £46 a week job seekers allowence i think.

I am sorry 2good but watching people burn down people homes and businesses is not good to watch, The people doing it even if they had jobs offered to them they would not take them.

The country is health and safety daft has been the day blair and co took over the country in 1997, School children can't even go outside when its snowing at there primary schools.
Police should be allowed to get there battons and attack,these yobs to the floor and protect there community that the good working people of this country pay there taxes for.

Put on sky news, would you really like to offer a job to them people?

They are hopeless goons.

Without being rude mate, you sound like the stereo typical, Tory, Daily Mail reader.

If you think asylum seekers enter England for an easy ride, then you need to open your eyes mate.

A lot of rubbish is talked about asylum. The same old myths and scare stories are peddled again and again. Your above post for instance.

Your final line of your post is what is wrong with the country.
Deleted User
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00:42 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Also at 2good for these riots have nothing to do with the financial crisis of 2008.

This is a lack of having no thrills in there life, They will be finding it fun gettin chased by the police, they will find it fun smashing windows and stealing from shops and setting big fires to building.
If there was a nation service for 16-18 year olds in this country (who do not go onto employment,college or apprentership) they will learn valuable discipline, will be given hope, and maybe a thrill which will lead to them not randomly going out and burning estates.

Might be a bit extreme this, But the country as a whole is just gettin lazier and we have the highest crime rate in europe.

Alternitivly the police could just be given more powers.

Could be a good thing for the cuts this as the goverment will review the size of the police force and maybe have to employ more people for these kinda things can be prevented for the next time around.
Deleted User
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00:42 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Seen on the news tonight that a teenager was walking home with a back pack on and he was viciously assaulted. He was bleeding everywhere and then, when he finally got to his feet, they robbed him. CCTV actually showed this incident. Among all the other stuff going on, it is really horriffic. People in Belfast have been living like this for years, and its not good. I hope these thugs, robbers, looters, come to their senses and STOP.
Posts: 2,255
00:55 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_max said:
Also at 2good for these riots have nothing to do with the financial crisis of 2008.

Sorry I cmpletely disagree, half are saying they are rioting because of taxes, no jobs, cuts etc... all which were brought on by the financial crisis which the bankers caused.

The other half are saying it was for that bloke who got shot, which is ridiculous, the amount of innocent people suffering for some man who was carrying a loaded gun and got shot for it.

"Live by the gun die by the gun."

Then you get one or 2 idiots doing it to try and get respect off the police... yeah way to go about that, sure they will bow down to you and respect you for ever now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:13 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The riots started because of the murder of Mark Duggan. Legal or otherwise, the police shot dead a man.

What followed was a peaceful protest against the police, and has now turned into something completely different... youths looting from shops and setting fire to buildings etc... now it is about the unemployed using the media attention.

Buildings will all be repaired, that fella is dead.

All this army service talk is rubbish, dark ages stuff. People don't need to be constantly disciplined. People don't need to be told what to do, people just need the oppetunities to figure out for themselves what they want to do.

Our society should be able to provide that, but no it doesn't.

As I said before, if you keep pushing the lower classes of our society, eventually they will snap.

They have nothing to lose, and sadly are thriving in the media attention, attention which the media is all so willing to give them.

Again very boring seeing the lower classes helping an old lady across the road, much more exciting to see these 'riots'.

As far as I'm aware though the police have killed 1 person, 1 more than the rioters.

The same police who leaked news stories to the News of the World in exchange for a few quid.

Again though, not as dramatic as burning buildings.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:16 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
How anyone can even begin to back this up is insane.

If they want to protest by all means do so but do it the right way. Don't go destroying innocent civilians houses, businesses, livelyhoods. It only makes the situation 10 times worse.
Posts: 2,255
01:18 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
2good said:
As far as I'm aware though the police have killed 1 person, 1 more than the rioters.

Rioters shot a man dead yesterday in London, stabbed a policeman in Liverpool (which has not been widely publicised yet) and shots were also fired in Liverpool... by rioters.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:18 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Very good post.
But i have been watching the news a bit this evening and not once have i heard what these riots are for in manchester and midlands etc.
I think the momentum of these riots against the police has united gangs to do something out of the blue.
Every single person to speak to cameras are shocked and calling these rioters cowards and scum, I think in a few day when it all dies down people will be more united than ever to catch these yobs and re-build there communities.
Posts: 2,499
02:22 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mooney said:
How anyone can even begin to back this up is insane.

If they want to protest by all means do so but do it the right way. Don't go destroying innocent civilians houses, businesses, livelyhoods. It only makes the situation 10 times worse.

Absolutely spot on.

The moment anything is damaged, or anyone is hurt, it is down to the person(s) responsible being criminals, nothing else. There is quite simply no excuse for vandalism and violence of any kind, apart from possibly extreme stupidity, but even then the person has to be fundamentally evil to even consider it.

The saddest thing is that most of them won't be punished at all and those that are will get sentences so light it won't mean a thing.

It doesn't matter how many police are deployed if they aren't going to be proactive.
Posts: 2,499
02:28 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Then again, if anyone else is old enough to remember the last time the Tories were in power, this is nothing new. And thats not just my opinion..

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:39 Wed 10 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
polida said:
Seen on the news tonight that a teenager was walking home with a back pack on and he was viciously assaulted. He was bleeding everywhere and then, when he finally got to his feet, they robbed him. CCTV actually showed this incident. Among all the other stuff going on, it is really horriffic. People in Belfast have been living like this for years, and its not good. I hope these thugs, robbers, looters, come to their senses and STOP.

Absolutely disgusting
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London Riots

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