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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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Posts: 8,033
14:42 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe you know yhis but domwhite has deactivated

Yeah I know. I'll give him a day or two to reactivate and then sub if he doesn't. .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:45 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
That break has done me the world of good lol.
Posts: 8,033
15:56 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good! We need some points.
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16:37 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is our worst set yet ?
Posts: 8,033
16:39 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No we always start badly haha. I said before, if we beat Anger Management then I think that's them out of the race. Then just need to worry about D&C haha.
Posts: 2,255
16:44 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Never fear mich is here will be on from tomorrow to win my games
Posts: 8,033
16:49 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You fill me with confidence Mich! .
Posts: 22,132
17:35 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults from Set 4:

Allstarz vs Noobs
thegreatone7 5 vs 1 khukuri

Anger Management vs Noobs
squishy 4 vs 1 pinetree

If you have any questions or comments about these defaults, please message me and I'll be happy to discuss/argue the decisions with you. Please keep it off the threads.

League Standings after Fixture 8:

Total Domination...........360.......255.....105......42......297
Anger Management......359.......215.....144......35......250
Dollars & Cents.............297.......175.....122......28......203
Black Ballers.................360.......123.....237......42......165

Note: D&C and Allstarz have played a fixture less.

The live standings are updated every time a result is posted. They can be found here:
Posts: 2,377
18:16 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Getting little glimpses of my old form again.
Won't be long then I'll give thegame26 a battering
Posts: 4,967
18:24 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Getting little glimpses of my old form again.
Won't be long then I'll give thegame26 a battering

FU James James time to get up and stop dreaming deadline day looks good 2 me
Posts: 8,033
18:28 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

adam_147 5-0 scotty2hotti

adam 74 reg, 5 carom

Arc scotty was in for the win, then horribly snookered himself. It went scrappy for a bit, then I cleared to win it. Reg scotty was very unlucky, went in off twice, one was very unlucky, the other there was always the risk. I hit a 74 to win it. Orig was just awful, both missing shots left, right and centre, but I took it in the end. Carom I gave him a few chances early which he didnt take, then I had a horrible fluke on the way to a 5 run which won the frame.

Power? I got the serve first, and made a hash of it with like a 20 break. Scotty got into the 90s with a couple of visits, then I cleared the last few to get to the 40s. The second frame evened it out, leaving me just needing to clear on my own break to win it. I didn't even get close, then he got to a few clear, then was strolling to the win and missed the brown, with 35 needed. I couldn't leave it in the powerzone for the blue, but took pink and black from the zone to tie the scores. The clock had gone to 00:00, but it gave scotty the break in the next frame. He broke dry leaving the scores tied. neither of us knew what happened next, but it went to a respot black and I got the shot and potted it. Was very unlucky on scotty.

ggs mate.
Posts: 2,377
18:39 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

FU James

Posts: 22,132
18:42 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No mate, he's talking about some chinese snooker player.
Posts: 8,033
18:43 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just let that go now OK?
Posts: 2,377
18:53 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've started something here
Posts: 4,967
18:55 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Referring to

Fu River (disambiguation), the name of several rivers in China (Fuhe, Fujiang, Fushui)

ok no more
Posts: 8,033
19:00 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
adam_147 5-1 ededed

adam 5,7,5

I was a bit sleepy in the first frame and gave him too many chances and he took the frame easily. After that I woke up and with my 3 5+ was able to take the next 5. He had some bad luck in there as well though. ggs mate!

I've lost my first frame this season . #AdamOut
Posts: 8,033
19:46 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anger Management 7 vs 22 Total Domination

hot_stuff vs buzby_
r1p0m4n 3 vs 2 i_am_blessed TBC

torres9 1 vs 5 dvz
thegame26 vs _nerdzz_

samj147 vs pressureonu
_sting_ 2 vs 4 sean_paul

ededed 1 vs 5 adam_147
w_hoolahan vs mich

cledwyn 0 vs 6 mrmagic

0 vs 0

Allstarz 15 vs 21 Total Domination

naaaaaaaaath vs buzby_
4_inch_nails 1 vs 5 i_am_blessed

linfield1886 4 vs 2 obieeeee
kilimanjaro 5 vs 1 virt_slayer

count_raven vs domwhite
__chomper__ 2 vs 4 sean_paul

roxbury_100 vs mich
horse10000 3 vs 3 mooney

slatty vs dvz

0 vs 6

Deadline: 27th Jan

Message your opponents, arrange a time, win. Simples!
Posts: 8,033
19:47 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cup Semi-final

Black Ballers 10 vs 15 Total Domination

scotty2hotti 0 vs 5 adam_147
i_am_cazorla 2 vs 3 _nerdzz_
etarvt vs sean_paul
eraser147 vs virt_slayer
garethclin 1 vs 4 i_am_blessed
wilko84 3 vs 2 dvz
zantetsukenz 4 vs 1 mrmagic

CUP format, 1 frame of each (arc, reg, orig, carom, power)

Deadline: 27th Jan
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:57 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
My normal mouse has broken so i possibly won't be able to play the cup game. Leave me in for 3 days or so I'll see if I can fix it and if lyle wins I won't have to play anyway.
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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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