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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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Pages: 17980
Posts: 8,033
18:38 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If you had replied with an answer to my question about when you could be on yesterday he would have come on to play it .
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20:33 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i_am_blessed (4) v (2) scotty2hotti

Could have had 6-0 but i needed 80 points at the end of frame 2 and i broke and was snookered

17:29 Thu 18/04/13 Power Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 129
16:58 Thu 18/04/13 Power Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 134
16:48 Thu 18/04/13 Power Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 127

17:11 Thu 18/04/13 Power Snooker - scotty2hotti got a break of 133
Posts: 8,033
20:35 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ahh the 2nd one looked close from the score, wondered what happened! Nice win though tyler!
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20:36 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Straight now?
Posts: 8,033
20:41 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Havnt got time right now, I'll be back later this evening though.
Deleted User
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20:50 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If you had replied with an answer to my question about when you could be on yesterday he would have come on to play it .
oh i see lol, im the rest of the day available
and tomorrow evening
Posts: 8,033
20:51 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
he said he will be on shortly, just getting home.
Posts: 2,416
23:55 Thu 18 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
_lewis93_ vs mich

Is now

battlecat vs mich
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00:29 Fri 19 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Keep me on as a sub after this set, Playing awful and dont want to play at the moment
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12:44 Fri 19 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
sean_paul is been off since 8 days
kindly arrange a sub
Deleted User
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15:17 Fri 19 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
sean_paul is been off since 8 days
kindly arrange a sub

No, we will get him on
Deleted User
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21:20 Fri 19 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline: 28th April

Black Ballers 4 vs 8 Total Domination

zantetsukenz vs virt_slayer
stewolves93 vs brettavit01
pattie96 vs n_e_r_d
4_inch_nails vs _nerdzz_
eraser147 vs dvz
abhi1991 vs sean_paul
__jack__ vs adam_147
lauren_ali 2 vs 4 mich
scotty2hotti 2 vs 4 i_am_blessed
Killer: 0 vs 0

Total Domination 5 vs 1 Dollars & Cents

virtuoso1978 vs the_tornado
brettavit01 vs foxy_147
damee vs kilimanjaro
i_am_blessed vs ededed
_nerdzz_ vs whocares8x8
sean_paul vs obieeeee
mich 5 vs 1 skillz
mooney vs rank_stinger
dvz vs lethal_lure
Killer: 0 vs 0
Posts: 8,033
01:19 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
How much of a coincidence is this...

When I played pirate_steve in orig in the league 2 seasons ago, I won 4-2 and he got a 147...

our first 12 frames today:

first 6: adam 4-2 steve (147 for steve)
second 6: adam 4-2 steve (147 for steve)

haha .
Posts: 22,132
03:52 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Defaults from Set 1:

Dollars & Cents vs Black Ballers

ededed 2 vs 2 scotty2hotti (was 2-2; default 0-0)

If you have any questions or comments about these defaults, please message me and I'll be happy to discuss/argue the decisions with you. Please keep it off the threads.

League Standings after Fixture 2:

Total Domination...........120........76......44.......14.......90
Dollars & Cents.............118........74......44........7........81
Anger Management......120........54......66.......14.......68
Black Ballers.................118........51......67........7........58
Nocturnal Assassins.....120........40......80.......14.......54

Live standings are updated every time a result is posted. They can be found here:
Deleted User
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04:04 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
yeh, guys 3 games played in a week?

sort it out!
Deleted User
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04:07 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline: 28th April

Black Ballers 5 vs 13 Total Domination

zantetsukenz vs virt_slayer
stewolves93 vs brettavit01
pattie96 1 vs 5 n_e_r_d
4_inch_nails vs _nerdzz_
eraser147 vs dvz
abhi1991 vs sean_paul
__jack__ vs adam_147
lauren_ali 2 vs 4 mich
scotty2hotti 2 vs 4 i_am_blessed
Killer: 0 vs 0

Total Domination 5 vs 1 Dollars & Cents

virtuoso1978 vs the_tornado
brettavit01 vs foxy_147
damee vs kilimanjaro
i_am_blessed vs ededed
_nerdzz_ vs whocares8x8
sean_paul vs obieeeee
mich 5 vs 1 skillz
mooney vs rank_stinger
dvz vs lethal_lure
Killer: 0 vs 0
Posts: 2,255
14:01 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Format: Play 1 frame each of arc, reg, orig, carom, power

Group A:
Nocturnal Assassins 0 vs 0 Total Domination

msl vs adam_147
d_legend vs dvz
jakkebeast vs _nerdzz_
gmbailyes vs i_am_blessed
joeyy vs sean_paul
battlecat vs mich
murt vs virtuoso1978

You forgot these cup games Tyler!
Deleted User
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16:58 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Exactly my point mich, no cup games done either lol
Deleted User
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17:25 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm available as sub so have no fear :-)
Deleted User
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17:46 Sat 20 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ergh, why would we sub a traitor in
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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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