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01:12 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
23:08 Tue 12/03/13 Arcade Snooker - brettavit01 got a break of 106

Got a dirty kiss and snookered myself on black :(
Posts: 22,132
03:06 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Preseason Friendlies are out!

Any clan that completes at least 18 out of the 20 fixtures will qualify for the season. Any clan below this number will be decided on by the defaults panel after the friendlies.

We're trialling a new way to play the killer games. As you can see, each game has an automatic defaults starting time. The 9pm on deadline day from previous seasons no longer exists.

Games are now allowed to be played with more players than 3v3, but scoring will remain the same. At default time, any amount of players online from either side can play. At other times, both sides must agree to more.

If you both sides dislike the stated starting time, you may rearrange and let me know another time and date. That will become the new default time.

You may play the game before the default time.
If the game is not played by the default time (during the season, the times will be on the last weekend), the default will be recorded. You can still play afterwards, although neither team will be obligated to make an effort at that point.

Remember, we are trialling this to see if it works. If not, we may revert back to the old system or scrap killer completely.

Please post on discussion thread with feedback or questions.

Edited at 01:15 Wed 13/03/13 (GMT)
Posts: 22,132
03:24 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Finally, by playing in the clan league, you agree to its rules. They can be found here:

Please make sure you're aware of them throughout the season, particularly the Code of Conduct:

You can message whocares8x8 with any questions or comments throughout the season.
Deleted User
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12:16 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ul Brett mate, cheers seb :-) looking at buying a new Lappy soon in between buying rattles,dummies,milk,nappies and getting leathered, oooooossssshhhhhhh.
Deleted User
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12:27 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ul Brett mate, cheers seb :-) looking at buying a new Lappy soon in between buying rattles,dummies,milk,nappies and getting leathered, oooooossssshhhhhhh.

smellywillie how are ya :P
Deleted User
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12:28 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ul Brett mate, cheers seb :-) looking at buying a new Lappy soon in between buying rattles,dummies,milk,nappies and getting leathered, oooooossssshhhhhhh.

smellywillie how are ya :P

I'm good spanking you. And yourself?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:29 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ul Brett mate, cheers seb :-) looking at buying a new Lappy soon in between buying rattles,dummies,milk,nappies and getting leathered, oooooossssshhhhhhh.

smellywillie how are ya :P

I'm good spanking you. And yourself?

fab ty hun :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:01 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Total Domination 0 vs 0 Allstarz

50_cent vs jj_simpson94
brettavit01 vs thegreatone7
i_am_blessed vs linfield1886
n_e_r_d vs pirate_steve
sean_paul vs hutch1971
_nerdzz_ vs __chomper__
mich vs xxboxx94
mooney vs roxbury_100
dvz vs kilimanjaro
Killer: Friday, March 22nd- 20:00 GMT

Snooker Legends 0 vs 0 Total Domination

quickpot_147 vs virtuoso1978
lauren_ali vs mich
themaster vs damee
joeyy vs dvz
pinetree vs adam_147
hooflungdung vs sean_paul
_magic vs mooney
wisky777 vs virt_slayer
scobansco vs i_am_blessed
Killer: Sunday, March 24th- 18:00 GMT
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:01 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
New Killer Rules:

We're trialling a new way to play the killer games. As you can see, each game has an automatic defaults starting time. The 9pm on deadline day from previous seasons no longer exists.

Games are now allowed to be played with more players than 3v3, but scoring will remain the same. At default time, any amount of players online from either side can play. At other times, both sides must agree to more.

If you both sides dislike the stated starting time, you may rearrange and let me know another time and date. That will become the new default time.

You may play the game before the default time.
If the game is not played by the default time (during the season, the times will be on the last weekend), the default will be recorded. You can still play afterwards, although neither team will be obligated to make an effort at that point.

Remember, we are trialling this to see if it works. If not, we may revert back to the old system or scrap killer completely.

Please post on discussion thread with feedback or questions.
Posts: 22,132
19:51 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Cam, are you doing the D&C pics for ededed and obieeeee?
Deleted User
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23:40 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Few people wanted to see me in tournament action so i recorded my semi final tonight, one frame, and i started off rocky, but had a 49 to win it.. check it out, sorry its sideways!

Posts: 5,209
23:46 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice stuff Cam

Can someone message dvz on pool that he has a clan game..(I no longer have a pool account).as he has been offline here for 8 days, but is currently on pool.

mucho gracias
Deleted User
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00:50 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mooney 4-2 Roxbury

5 and a 6 for Me.

Good games, good luck for the season!

Posts: 8,033
01:03 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice stuff cam, done kili and nice win joe .
Deleted User
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02:18 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

check the above video you wanted some frame play from me, ad thats pretty good, was tonight!
Deleted User
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12:42 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Two 18 year olds in one week? First cam then lyle was 18 yesterday, I'm 26 for god sake :-( I feel very old haha.
Posts: 8,033
12:52 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Be getting your bus pass soon matty .
Deleted User
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13:24 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Be getting your bus pass soon matty .

Oi enough of that, it's bad now on nights out, I used to recover and be back on the ale the next morning it takes a couple of days now though haha. The hair of the dog just doesn't work like it used to.
Posts: 3,079
15:14 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
We wouldn't know Matty! Hey, are you the oldest player on this team?? I think soooo Serious question - do you use your walking stick instead of a cue?
Posts: 8,033
19:26 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How old is Damien? he must be pushing matty...

On a similar note, who is the youngest?
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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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