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20:17 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
dame is 20 or 21 i believe, and alex is the youngest i think.
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20:18 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
on a serious note, what time is our 2 games of killer?
Posts: 2,377
00:55 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How old is Alex?
I'm 17...
Deleted User
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01:08 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i_am_blessed (3) v (1) linfield1888

23:03 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 66
22:56 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 57
22:48 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 116

22:42 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - linfield1886 got a break of 81

apparently i was telling him what shots to play and it was the most unenjoyable game ever, all i was saying was its a friendly who cares what the score is, i smashed breakes every time, and he tapped. Hence my reason.
Posts: 1,962
01:18 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
what utter nonsense - you did your fair share of tapping (breaks aside) and I played a normal break (i.e. trying to find baulk area).

What annoyed me was you kept harping on about time and that you were gonna smash etc..., clearly trying to influence me. I play a different style; you are a better scorer, hence I'm not just gonna smash and watch you clear up.

I tell you what - for the 2 remaining frames, you send me through a script and I'll follow it.
Posts: 8,033
01:35 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tyler, he's allowed to play however he likes. Linny, he's allowed not to agree with your style of play. Both of you sort it out and finish it, it's a friendly, no-one cares about the score.
Posts: 2,377
02:51 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
get off this thread!!!
Posts: 1,962
02:56 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tyler, he's allowed to play however he likes. Linny, he's allowed not to agree with your style of play. Both of you sort it out and finish it, it's a friendly, no-one cares about the score.

He can disagree with whatever he likes, Adam. All I'm asking is that you encourage a bit of respect within your team.
Posts: 8,033
03:15 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tyler, he's allowed to play however he likes. Linny, he's allowed not to agree with your style of play. Both of you sort it out and finish it, it's a friendly, no-one cares about the score.

He can disagree with whatever he likes, Adam. All I'm asking is that you encourage a bit of respect within your team.

As long as it's not offensive, it's fine. If a player wants to try to goad their opponent out of a tap fest with a few comments, that's all part and parcel of the game. Especially in a friendly when you are just getting the games done and people trying to drag it out needlessly it does get very annoying.
Deleted User
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03:31 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who cares its all a bit of fun this game, everyones different i say!
Posts: 13,453
09:03 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tyler, he's allowed to play however he likes. Linny, he's allowed not to agree with your style of play. Both of you sort it out and finish it, it's a friendly, no-one cares about the score.

He can disagree with whatever he likes, Adam. All I'm asking is that you encourage a bit of respect within your team.

As long as it's not offensive, it's fine. If a player wants to try to goad their opponent out of a tap fest with a few comments, that's all part and parcel of the game. Especially in a friendly when you are just getting the games done and people trying to drag it out needlessly it does get very annoying.

friendly or non friendly it really doesnt matter , some people are very competitive and want to win all there games especially for there clans . . nothing wrong with that at all adam , you should respect your opponent tho even if hes a smasher or a tapper . everyone one plays differently ,if i was playing a good player like tyler im hardly going to smash on the break so he hit a big break vs me . same as linny was doing .
Posts: 1,962
10:31 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tyler, he's allowed to play however he likes. Linny, he's allowed not to agree with your style of play. Both of you sort it out and finish it, it's a friendly, no-one cares about the score.

He can disagree with whatever he likes, Adam. All I'm asking is that you encourage a bit of respect within your team.

As long as it's not offensive, it's fine. If a player wants to try to goad their opponent out of a tap fest with a few comments, that's all part and parcel of the game. Especially in a friendly when you are just getting the games done and people trying to drag it out needlessly it does get very annoying.

It was far from a tap fest that was being dragged out needlessly. Forget about it - ur attitiude typifies your team
Deleted User
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11:26 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tyler, he's allowed to play however he likes. Linny, he's allowed not to agree with your style of play. Both of you sort it out and finish it, it's a friendly, no-one cares about the score.

He can disagree with whatever he likes, Adam. All I'm asking is that you encourage a bit of respect within your team.

As long as it's not offensive, it's fine. If a player wants to try to goad their opponent out of a tap fest with a few comments, that's all part and parcel of the game. Especially in a friendly when you are just getting the games done and people trying to drag it out needlessly it does get very annoying.

friendly or non friendly it really doesnt matter , some people are very competitive and want to win all there games especially for there clans . . nothing wrong with that at all adam , you should respect your opponent tho even if hes a smasher or a tapper . everyone one plays differently ,if i was playing a good player like tyler im hardly going to smash on the break so he hit a big break vs me . same as linny was doing .

Agree with this, Years ago id tap when i got to my highest rank, people complained but end of the day, they dont have to top back.
Posts: 8,033
12:55 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It depends which kind of tapping it is. If you are just rolling into the pack then I consider that very bad sportsmanship as you are deliberately stopping the game progressing and of course there is no option for a re-rack. If you are chipping balls out or trying to develop a plant or an in-off, then that is fine as it is encouraging the game to progress.
Posts: 4,967
13:01 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How can it be considered bad sportsmanship , some players have no option but to roll into the pack ,ie if its a game u think u have no chance in , it's happened to me and its part of the game
Deleted User
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13:03 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
get em smashed
Deleted User
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13:08 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It depends which kind of tapping it is. If you are just rolling into the pack then I consider that very bad sportsmanship as you are deliberately stopping the game progressing and of course there is no option for a re-rack. If you are chipping balls out or trying to develop a plant or an in-off, then that is fine as it is encouraging the game to progress.
lol so your saying everyone who rolls into the pack of reds is deliberately stopping the game. well that counts for everyone on here then, i'm sure you have done it before.

I think everyone has there own game i tap into the pack in torns like everyone else does, sometimes i smash the break if i'm bored, i used to hate people who just tapped the pack and i used to just smash it or play stupid shots and leave a pot on and they would clear.
In arcade and reg it's easy to make a 50 plus and win the game that's the problem.

I just played a game a sec ago i tapped the break and after he tapped the break i then screwed back of the pack leaving a red on he cleared 43 and then missed had a hard time clearing the rest and just made it with 47.

or i could have smashed the break and left him on for an easy clearance also.

i think people who play ranked wanna keep they rank so anything goes apart from tapping out of snookers, i think that's the worst play but if i see someone do it to me and they snooker me ill do it back, what comes around goes around.
Posts: 8,033
14:00 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Depends on the time limit. In a 20s game I may do it once to buy myself time to work out where a possible plant might come from. It's the people who will do it repeatedly that are the issue. It is bad sportsmanship as it is basically saying to your opponent that unless you take a risk, the frame won't end. The problem stems from the fact that there is no value to playing safe in baulk as long pots are as easy as short ones.
In arcade especially, I am all for introducing the "shootout" rule that a ball has to hit a cushion after the first ball is hit. It would keep the game moving better.

As for the claim that you do it when you dont stand a chance in a frame, that's rubbish. If you dont stand a chance, what good will tapping do? You are just delaying the inevitable.
Posts: 4,967
14:31 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Depends on the time limit. In a 20s game I may do it once to buy myself time to work out where a possible plant might come from. It's the people who will do it repeatedly that are the issue. It is bad sportsmanship as it is basically saying to your opponent that unless you take a risk, the frame won't end. The problem stems from the fact that there is no value to playing safe in baulk as long pots are as easy as short ones.
In arcade especially, I am all for introducing the "shootout" rule that a ball has to hit a cushion after the first ball is hit. It would keep the game moving better.

As for the claim that you do it when you dont stand a chance in a frame, that's rubbish. If you dont stand a chance, what good will tapping do? You are just delaying the inevitable.

The don't stand a chance remark by self prob wasn't put across properly lol ill give you an example , I went into a game vs dvz last season not giving my self much hope as he is class , I played the slow roll into the reds everytime and it was dvz to took the risks I ended up wining , personally I don't consider it to be that much of a problem but hey everyone is different , well part from in arc lol
Deleted User
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14:36 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
For anyone intrested im playing in a tournament tonight and ill be streaming my games. Ill post link later.
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