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14:40 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Depends on the time limit. In a 20s game I may do it once to buy myself time to work out where a possible plant might come from. It's the people who will do it repeatedly that are the issue. It is bad sportsmanship as it is basically saying to your opponent that unless you take a risk, the frame won't end. The problem stems from the fact that there is no value to playing safe in baulk as long pots are as easy as short ones.
In arcade especially, I am all for introducing the "shootout" rule that a ball has to hit a cushion after the first ball is hit. It would keep the game moving better.

As for the claim that you do it when you dont stand a chance in a frame, that's rubbish. If you dont stand a chance, what good will tapping do? You are just delaying the inevitable.
Adam i didn't say i did it when i don't stand a chance lol. tapping round the pack of reds is tactical whether you pull in front of them, spin back from them, snooker behind black, every shot counts towards the chance to clear from it. I think your missing the point because you have tapped yourself and saying because you are thinking of a plant is a bad excuse because the other person might be thinking of a double. So by calling someone a tapper is a load of rubbish because as you said they might be trying to hit a plant. tapping is part of the game and it not classed as sportsmanship, this ain't a real snooker table
Deleted User
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14:43 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think a good way to stop tapping would be to increase the power bar speed so the ball has to move a decent distance.

If this was done then there wouldn't be no tapping and everyone would leave everyone on all the time
Deleted User
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14:45 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Depends on the time limit. In a 20s game I may do it once to buy myself time to work out where a possible plant might come from. It's the people who will do it repeatedly that are the issue. It is bad sportsmanship as it is basically saying to your opponent that unless you take a risk, the frame won't end. The problem stems from the fact that there is no value to playing safe in baulk as long pots are as easy as short ones.
In arcade especially, I am all for introducing the "shootout" rule that a ball has to hit a cushion after the first ball is hit. It would keep the game moving better.

As for the claim that you do it when you dont stand a chance in a frame, that's rubbish. If you dont stand a chance, what good will tapping do? You are just delaying the inevitable.

The don't stand a chance remark by self prob wasn't put across properly lol ill give you an example , I went into a game vs dvz last season not giving my self much hope as he is class , I played the slow roll into the reds everytime and it was dvz to took the risks I ended up wining , personally I don't consider it to be that much of a problem but hey everyone is different , well part from in arc lol
exactly my thinking Rich.
Posts: 22,132
14:48 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Let's be honest- if I know someone HATES tapping then I will tap my heart out in a clan game. It will mess him up and he'll take rageshots and make mistakes.
I know exactly what will happen the next time I meet tyler in a power tourney for example

But it's easy enough to develop the balls and eventually you'll have a shot on. If you open up 1-2 balls from the pack on every shot, it should be settled withing 10 shots.
Posts: 8,033
14:50 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Touching ball rule would help too! I'm sure nick could do it. Be risky leaving a touching ball as any half decent player would leave it behind the black snookered.
Deleted User
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14:53 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Touching ball rule would help too! I'm sure nick could do it. Be risky leaving a touching ball as any half decent player would leave it behind the black snookered.
Think that should be done, i wouldn't like it though as i am always leaving a touching ball as my positional play is crap lol
Posts: 22,132
14:59 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Touching ball rule would help too! I'm sure nick could do it. Be risky leaving a touching ball as any half decent player would leave it behind the black snookered.
This was addressed by nick at some point, wasn't it? The problem is that the machine doesn't recognize most things as touching ball. It will look like touching ball to us, but it will actually be a grillionth of a pixel off the target ball and therefore not a touching ball to the machine.
Deleted User
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15:20 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who cares about tapping Tyler is allowed to moan about it if he wants to and others are allowed to do it, don't expect people not to moan when you do it but dont expect people to not moan when you moan. Understand me? I don't :-)
Deleted User
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15:30 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
For anyone intrested im playing in a tournament tonight and ill be streaming my games. Ill post link later.
Posts: 15,182
15:36 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think a good way to stop tapping would be to increase the power bar speed so the ball has to move a decent distance.

If this was done then there wouldn't be no tapping and everyone would leave everyone on all the time

Sorry to intrude, but if this was ever implemented it would have consequences beyond tapping into the pack.

If you pot a red, and the white ends up say in baulk, there are times you may want to just roll up behind a colour for a snooker.
With your "decent distance", this would no longer be possible.

I'll try not to post here too often
Deleted User
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15:42 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Season hasn't even started and the problems have already begun...
Deleted User
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16:31 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think a good way to stop tapping would be to increase the power bar speed so the ball has to move a decent distance.

If this was done then there wouldn't be no tapping and everyone would leave everyone on all the time

Sorry to intrude, but if this was ever implemented it would have consequences beyond tapping into the pack.

If you pot a red, and the white ends up say in baulk, there are times you may want to just roll up behind a colour for a snooker.
With your "decent distance", this would no longer be possible.

I'll try not to post here too often
When ever have you rolled up to a red anyway mr smash breaker Everyone has there's views, still would eliminate tapping for all you moaners out there
Deleted User
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17:06 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have no problems with the style of play of linfield, as was already stated there wasnt even that much tapping, was just because i was in a rush and just wanted to get the games out of the way, win or lose i couldn't care less, i was trying to influence him to smash to get them done, im sorry linfield.

there arguments over, we can continue to have 1 post every 2 days now bye.
Posts: 1,962
17:35 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok no probs Tyler, the matter's closed as for a I'm concerned. Good to instigate some healthy debate,eh? Lol
Posts: 8,033
20:11 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Arguments tyler??? I saw no arguments, only a good discussion . If you want arguments on clan threads, you should try this site:
Deleted User
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22:48 Fri 15 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How old is Alex?
I'm 17...

17 as well mate. Crazy times, partayyyy tomorrow woop,woop.
Deleted User
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01:27 Sat 16 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i_am_blessed (5) v (1) linfield1888

23:03 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 66
22:56 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 57
22:48 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 116
23:25 Fri 15/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 119
23:17 Fri 15/03/13 Regular Snooker - i_am_blessed got a break of 66

22:42 Thu 14/03/13 Regular Snooker - linfield1886 got a break of 81

Me and linny sorted our differences wp man ggs.
Deleted User
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03:06 Sat 16 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tapping is for <removed>, perioddddddddd!!! Wp Tyler bro!! Beast

Edited by forum moderator mrmagic, at 10:34 Sat 16/03/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:04 Sat 16 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brettavit01 4 - 2 Thegreatone7

Played awful but got the win

Breaks for me 81, 69 and 55 for him, if they count for friendlies!
Posts: 70
21:11 Sat 16 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
any room in here for me guys
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Total Domination - League and Cup Champions

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