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Nocturnal Assassins...

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Posts: 2,416
22:20 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi_im_barry (4) - (2) odee

barry breaks: 80,72,51,51
odee breaks: 84,60,59

he played well and there was a frame in the middle that finished 60-59, incredibly close frames, 3-3 would've been a fair result, especially when i went 3-0 up and he came back to get the next two, vwp mate, ggs!

Another very good result and set of breaks mate, well done!
Posts: 2,416
22:21 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nocturnal Assassins vs Black Ballers

arcade_107 3 - 3 yorkshirelad
hi_im_barry 4 - 2 odee
d_legend 4 - 2 etarvt
andymurphy_ vs pattie96
msl vs garethclin
the_tornado vs abhi1991
smokingun vs eraser147

Nocturnal Assassins vs Anger Management

2good2bad vs zina
smokingun vs captain_jack
d_legend vs r1p0m4n_v2
andymurphy_ vs davey1985
msl vs show_time
the_tornado vs brettavit01
hi_im_barry 3 - 3 einit

Deadline: 24th November

Message your opponents and arrange a time to get the games played soon as possible. Good luck!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:24 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
result of me v captain_jack
i won 2 frames got a 52 in the 3rd
captain_jack 4 frames
all frames were pretty close enjoyed playing him great sport and what a funny guy gl my friend for the rest of whats left in the
Posts: 3,960
02:53 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Asssassins, spoke to Mick... he was 56-11 up in Frame 1 vs Jack... and Jack left the game... Mick was unaware that he could claim this frame so played 6 games more...

However now Mick knows, he wishes to claim that first frame as he was ahead AND hit a Half Century


Smokingun 3-3 Captain Jack

Right Mick? and no problem, happy to help ya sausage!
Posts: 22,132
03:01 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship (originally 83 players)

Round 4 has been released and can be found here:

Posted Image

Remember that participation is voluntary.
The rules are here:

If your opponent does not want to play, please post on the Player's Championship thread to request a default. If neither player posts, both will be disqualified when the game goes to defaults! This is important- you must post for the default even if your opponent is off the entire fixture. This can be done at any time.

Deadline is Monday, November 26th
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:08 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Asssassins, spoke to Mick... he was 56-11 up in Frame 1 vs Jack... and Jack left the game... Mick was unaware that he could claim this frame so played 6 games more...

However now Mick knows, he wishes to claim that first frame as he was ahead AND hit a Half Century


Smokingun 3-3 Captain Jack

Right Mick? and no problem, happy to help ya sausage!
i agree cos i didnt understand the full rule of the match.
Posts: 315
03:28 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Asssassins, spoke to Mick... he was 56-11 up in Frame 1 vs Jack... and Jack left the game... Mick was unaware that he could claim this frame so played 6 games more...

However now Mick knows, he wishes to claim that first frame as he was ahead AND hit a Half Century


Smokingun 3-3 Captain Jack

Right Mick? and no problem, happy to help ya sausage!
i agree cos i didnt understand the full rule of the match.

fully was on 52 break...i was on 7..he missed there was 67 on table...i explained to him it was between me and him what should happen....his words,,,no one knows only me and u its ok.....i will protest this all the way..
Posts: 315
03:29 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
he said lets play over,,, ask him...

if he wants to deny it he can..

6 more were played..

this is happening cos score is 2-4 me.
Posts: 3,960
03:30 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Asssassins, spoke to Mick... he was 56-11 up in Frame 1 vs Jack... and Jack left the game... Mick was unaware that he could claim this frame so played 6 games more...

However now Mick knows, he wishes to claim that first frame as he was ahead AND hit a Half Century


Smokingun 3-3 Captain Jack

Right Mick? and no problem, happy to help ya sausage!
i agree cos i didnt understand the full rule of the match.

fully was on 52 break...i was on 7..he missed there was 67 on table...i explained to him it was between me and him what should happen....his words,,,no one knows only me and u its ok.....i will protest this all the way..

Mick was not aware he could claim the frame

6.3 Disconnects during games
If a player leaves during a frame (unless due to clearly unintentional connection problems), the frame will be awarded to the opponent
Posts: 315
03:31 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
he could clearly see it was accidental;.....he missed anyway on 47 points behind...67 on table..

he admitted he missed shows this in the records..

he wanted to replay...

2-4 me...
Posts: 3,960
03:32 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
he could clearly see it was accidental;.....he missed anyway on 47 points behind...67 on table..

he admitted he missed shows this in the records..

he wanted to replay...

2-4 me...

You're missing the point mate. He did not know that he could claim the frame, otherwise he would of claimed it at the time. It was only when I was asking him why he played you 7 times that this came to light
Posts: 315
03:35 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
your missing it!!

he missed on 52...there was 67 left....

we spoke i asked him what to do..he chose to replay the frame..

you cannot claim the frame 6 frames later...
Posts: 3,960
03:37 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
your missing it!!

he missed on 52...there was 67 left....

we spoke i asked him what to do..he chose to replay the frame..

you cannot claim the frame 6 frames later...

As ive said already, he did not know that he could claim the frame! Did you ask him if he wanted to claim it? No... you just asked what he wanted to do... he had no idea he was able to claim the frame.

Its irrelevant whats left on the table (for the record Mick said 4 reds but were all safe).

The rules are on Micks side.
Posts: 315
03:39 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
4 reds safe..he missed a simple to middle give over...3 reds in open...

anyway...2-4 me...this wont be a draw...

woodbe real here..

did i ask him u say.....what does ---what do you want to do mean?

his one will know start over..

he is playing long enough now to know..u cant keep that excuse he dont know the rules cmon man..
Posts: 3,960
03:41 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
4 reds safe..he missed a simple to middle give over...3 reds in open...

anyway...2-4 me...this wont be a draw...

woodbe real here..

did i ask him u say.....what does ---what do you want to do mean?

his one will know start over..

he is playing long enough now to know..u cant keep that excuse he dont know the rules cmon man..

Cant argue with the rules mate, you're just going to have to accept the 3-3 at the end of the day because thats what it is.

And actually he does not know.. he asked me earlier how i knew about his results earlier. Not everybody is Forum Smart
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:42 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
he could clearly see it was accidental;.....he missed anyway on 47 points behind...67 on table..

he admitted he missed shows this in the records..

he wanted to replay...

2-4 me...
i just want to leave it to the clan management they can sort it out i dont want any hard feelings..

Edited at 01:46 Wed 13/11/13 (GMT)
Posts: 315
03:48 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
he could clearly see it was accidental;.....he missed anyway on 47 points behind...67 on table..

he admitted he missed shows this in the records..

he wanted to replay...

2-4 me...
i just want to leave it to the clan management they can sort it out i dont want any hard feelings..

Edited at 01:46 Wed 13/11/13 (GMT)

nice edit..

u just wanted a frame loss cos u know what u said....u edited just b4 i copied..
Posts: 315
03:55 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
he could clearly see it was accidental;.....he missed anyway on 47 points behind...67 on table..

he admitted he missed shows this in the records..

he wanted to replay...

2-4 me...
i just want to leave it to the clan management they can sort it out i dont want any hard feelings..

Edited at 01:46 Wed 13/11/13 (GMT)

nice edit..

u just wanted a frame loss cos u know what u said....u edited just b4 i copied..

these are ur words b4 u edited

captain_jack said:
he could clearly see it was accidental;.....he missed anyway on 47 points behind...67 on table..

he admitted he missed shows this in the records..

he wanted to replay...

2-4 me...
i just want to be clear to everyone because i didnt understand the full rule of clan match .. i will take the loss of the point and put it down to experiance after all i dont want any bad blood to go round..
Posts: 3,960
04:07 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its edited for a reason.... League Runners can decide what the score is . 3-3 or 2-4... but as Mick is claiming the frame he did not know he could claim at the time... leave it for whocares to decide... so may as well leave it there.
Posts: 461
09:13 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe it would be a good idea to read the league rules BEFORE you play the league then we wouldnt have conversations like this.
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Nocturnal Assassins...

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