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17:45 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funny how some people leave out the whole qoute just to cause trouble or arguments over something that's got nothing to do with them or their team!!

6.3 Disconnects during games
If a player leaves during a frame (unless due to clearly unintentional connection problems), the frame will be awarded to the opponent (opponent's discretion- the opponent may decide whether to claim the frame, award it to the disconnected player, or replay it)

As fact's go, the problem should be solved with the player's in question (mick and fran) and as evidence show's mick is the one that suggested that they replay it and so they did.. Problem over! As for mick not knowing about the rule, that's unfortunate but it is something that every player within the clan league should be aware of..
I've had my say, and i'll let whocares8x8 or dgeneratio have the final say as league runners!!
Posts: 3,960
17:54 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funny how some people leave out the whole qoute just to cause trouble or arguments over something that's got nothing to do with them or their team!!

6.3 Disconnects during games
If a player leaves during a frame (unless due to clearly unintentional connection problems), the frame will be awarded to the opponent (opponent's discretion- the opponent may decide whether to claim the frame, award it to the disconnected player, or replay it)

As fact's go, the problem should be solved with the player's in question (mick and fran) and as evidence show's mick is the one that suggested that they replay it and so they did.. Problem over! As for mick not knowing about the rule, that's unfortunate but it is something that every player within the clan league should be aware of..
I've had my say, and i'll let whocares8x8 or dgeneratio have the final say as league runners!!

Case earlier this season

Hoof vs Cursed Power Snooker

Hoof led by 60. 4 mins left. Cursed Left via an unintentional disconnect.... Hoof claimed the frame.

Mick said Replay as he was not aware he could claim it. And for the record I didnt "intentionally"! leave out part of the rule quote as its irrelevant with previous cases as seen above. And I was helping Mick out, thats what friends do ta
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:02 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, i could only assume that you had done it intentionally as the qoute was cut midway.. If otherwise, fair enough!
It being apparent that it was the owner's discretion, he made the choice of replaying it, whether it be the fact that he knew the rule or not (his own fault), you can't decide to replay the full fixture and then seem fit to go back and reclaim something which you had already agreed to replay before!
Pure logic prevails in this situation and like i said, leave it to the league runners to make whatever verdict they may..
Posts: 2,416
21:34 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not getting involved in a petty argument over a game.
League runners can decide

Cheers m_wood for spotting it though
Posts: 2,416
22:05 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry forgot to say smokingun, well done mate couple of nice half cents there too!
Posts: 22,132
01:03 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi guys, I'm aware that there's a dispute in the r1p0m4n vs smokingun game- I'll have a look at it tomorrow, because I don't have enough time tonight.
Posts: 4,967
01:05 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi guys, I'm aware that there's a dispute in the r1p0m4n vs smokingun game- I'll have a look at it tomorrow, because I don't have enough time tonight.

Captain_jack vs smokingun

Posts: 22,132
19:36 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi guys, I'm aware that there's a dispute in the r1p0m4n vs smokingun game- I'll have a look at it tomorrow, because I don't have enough time tonight.
Captain_jack vs smokingun

You guys all look the same to me...
Posts: 22,132
19:47 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok, a few things here:
First of all, the rule goes on to say: Clan league runners will only intervene in case of clear unintentional disconnection or to award the frame to the disconnected player.
I would not have applied this part of the rule, because one player had a significant lead in the frame (screenshots are always helpful in these cases, by the way).

smokingun certainly had the right to claim the frame due to his significant lead. However, by replaying all frames, he gave up this right. It's not fair to come back and claim a frame after losing the replayed frame- this would set a precedent for future similar cases.
I understand that had he known about the rule, he probably would have claimed the frame. However, at the beginning of each season, I always encourage everyone to read the rules of the clan league specifically for rare cases like these! I know this is roughly equivalent to reading the terms of service when you buy a new phone, but still...
Similarly, any breach of rules can not be excused because not knowing the rules- by participating in the clan league, all players agree to the rules on the site. They are publicly available for everyone to read:

In this case, unless the two clans arrange a different solution, the score will stand at 2-4, as played on the table including the replayed frame.
Posts: 2,416
19:57 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers for clearing that up
Posts: 2,416
19:58 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nocturnal Assassins vs Black Ballers

arcade_107 3 - 3 yorkshirelad
hi_im_barry 4 - 2 odee
d_legend 4 - 2 etarvt
andymurphy_ vs pattie96
msl vs garethclin
the_tornado vs abhi1991
smokingun vs eraser147

Nocturnal Assassins vs Anger Management

2good2bad vs zina
smokingun 2 - 4 captain_jack
d_legend vs r1p0m4n_v2
andymurphy_ vs davey1985
msl vs show_time
the_tornado vs brettavit01
hi_im_barry 3 - 3 einit

Deadline: 24th November

Message your opponents and arrange a time to get the games played soon as possible. Good luck!
Posts: 397
20:11 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Where can I find rules regarding clan games?
Posts: 2,416
20:14 Thu 14 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,132
01:32 Fri 15 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Having somehow lost the very advanced Golden Cue spreadsheet midway through the season, I've now updated all the results from this season into a new table. It is now up:

You will only appear on this table once you have played at least 48 frames (league and cup). This is to prevent someone who wins a single game 6-0 from being top of the table with 100%.

As with all the other tables on the site, every time a result is posted in the results thread, they are updated. The table is live.
Posts: 46
09:21 Sat 16 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alright fella just seen i have games and with it been so close to christmas im doing so much over time at work so havent got the time to come on and play games so sorry mate so i will have to be subbed, sorry again for the the trouble this may cause getting someone to play for me. good look for the rest of the season pal and remember to still count me in for the next one coming :D :D
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:17 Sat 16 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i have a sub then lads
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:52 Sat 16 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
if its possible ill sub in and play the games
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Sun 17 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can sub in too
Posts: 2,416
15:51 Sun 17 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alright fella just seen i have games and with it been so close to christmas im doing so much over time at work so havent got the time to come on and play games so sorry mate so i will have to be subbed, sorry again for the the trouble this may cause getting someone to play for me. good look for the rest of the season pal and remember to still count me in for the next one coming :D :D

Thats fine dude, cheers for letting me know

if its possible ill sub in and play the games

i can sub in too

Cheers guys, I know carom isn't your ideal type, just give it your best shot
Posts: 2,416
15:54 Sun 17 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
andymurphy_ vs pattie96
is now
lethal_shotz vs pattie96

andymurphy_ vs davey1985
is now
arcade_107 vs davey1985

If Andy finds the time at all to come on he is free to sub back in
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